
A good and exhausting experience and brief getaway from the  shop

We got there very early, because we wanted to bring the dogs

Then it started to get crowded
Then it started to get crowded


So much stuff
So much stuff
My big find at Brimfield

I’m making an adorable wall hanging from part of it.


Stu's big find (on someone's car)

Stu walked Nellie and Pipping a lot
Stu walked Nellie and Pippin a lot

DSC03376I love vacations because I love coming back home.

Camp Weekend

and other topics I’ve missed telling about… Lots of pictures

It’s been busy around the shop.. I take the pictures, celebrate the finishes, but have little time  to crop, resize and post.  Lately, it seems, there are so many last minute gifts, graduation, wedding, even weddings in my family that require pause for designing and executing that special quilt to make the bride and groom know how much I love them.  So here in not any specific order I have loaded some interesting images from the past few weeks that need recording.

LibbyI gave this amazing embroidery artist a lesson on how to bind this work of extreme motherly love.  Libby executed this hand-embroidered masterpiece over the last year to honor little steps in her daughter’s life, bits of clothing embellished with perfect embroidery to represent a lifetime of memories.

Holly1A yearlong ( at least) project. Holly reprised a family heirloom for contemporary appreciation, ie. her couch.  She mended and quilted  the old suit strips so it will  last another 100 years. What’s next Holly?

CathrynCathryn put so much thought and planning into her sampler.  And then it was on our Gammill frame – now officially a quilt.

JanineI quilted this patchwork with a retro geometric pattern.  I have another quilt top from Janine  to finish this week and, to think, she’s a knitter.

Camp1Quilt camp was a huge success.  Not just the food, but the number of projects finished and started in three short days.

Camp6Big piles of cut  fabric turned into quilts.


What MP finished and what she will be starting after camp…


Kiwi, Camp Mascot
Kiwi, Camp Mascot

Next episode: New fabrics have arrived

I shall return…

The week we spent in Israel was too quick, of course, but most fabulous! Views, tastes, people, sounds and some of the most torrential rains of Israeli Winter. And don’t forget inspiration. Often, what we gain most from travel is a change of viewpoint, or at least an easing of it.   The days ahead will reveal that of course, but a brief look at the recent gorgeous past.

Rosh Pinah balcony: Looking toward the Sea of Galilee

cabinbreakfastcaesariasunsetcolorfulpuddleA quilt, maybe?

New fabric from Westminster, Free Spirit arrived on Monday.  Stay tuned!


With three days off and counting, I am taking a sigh and a moment to write about the past week or so.  We had our wonderful (younger) daughter and the traditional “family” Christmas day, special food, mostly practical gifts and a package of talismans from (older daughter) Israel and pictures of her camping trip.  I am enjoying the time, but my hands remain busy in many ways.
Everyone Not in the Picture
VERY North of Gaza