Camp Weekend

and other topics I’ve missed telling about… Lots of pictures

It’s been busy around the shop.. I take the pictures, celebrate the finishes, but have little time  to crop, resize and post.  Lately, it seems, there are so many last minute gifts, graduation, wedding, even weddings in my family that require pause for designing and executing that special quilt to make the bride and groom know how much I love them.  So here in not any specific order I have loaded some interesting images from the past few weeks that need recording.

LibbyI gave this amazing embroidery artist a lesson on how to bind this work of extreme motherly love.  Libby executed this hand-embroidered masterpiece over the last year to honor little steps in her daughter’s life, bits of clothing embellished with perfect embroidery to represent a lifetime of memories.

Holly1A yearlong ( at least) project. Holly reprised a family heirloom for contemporary appreciation, ie. her couch.  She mended and quilted  the old suit strips so it will  last another 100 years. What’s next Holly?

CathrynCathryn put so much thought and planning into her sampler.  And then it was on our Gammill frame – now officially a quilt.

JanineI quilted this patchwork with a retro geometric pattern.  I have another quilt top from Janine  to finish this week and, to think, she’s a knitter.

Camp1Quilt camp was a huge success.  Not just the food, but the number of projects finished and started in three short days.

Camp6Big piles of cut  fabric turned into quilts.


What MP finished and what she will be starting after camp…


Kiwi, Camp Mascot
Kiwi, Camp Mascot

Next episode: New fabrics have arrived

They’re Off…

This morning  (Sunday, the 31st) I started a very short photo journal of Ally and Kate preparing for  their trip to Israel.  I am happy.  I am sad.  My girls will be together tomorrow, after nine long months.  I am not with them.   Shara will meet  Ally and Kate at Ben Gurion Airport.  As I write, they are still lifted on wings of jet power.   But soon will be landing and hugging and bringing hugs from Momma and Daddy, too.  And then, Ally will go on her tour, and Shara promises to stalk the tour, so she can be near/with her sister.  

Kate & Ally


They repacked their bags in anticipation
They repacked their bags in anticipation
Okay, Moma, one more picture.
Okay, Deeds, one more smooch.

I documented their waking moments, the bags they will lug through Israel for the next week and hugs so-long until next week.  I had a bit of Israel for Mothers’ Day, too, but I’d much rather be on the plane with them.
