
I’ve been patiently waiting for something to happen.  I often stitch to pass the time, to be in the present, to dream the future.  This is how the project evolved…

Remember the dyeing sessions?   1  ,  2 , 3  and so on…. Stay tuned for the unveiling…soon!

Bed as design wall.

Moving things around, choosing threads.



Dye Day Friday and finally

…. finally.  I love sharing the results of a great day of dyeing fabric, and screen printing with Nancy.   And the sharing that goes on between friends – color, talk, clothespins, paint.

We work side-by-side alone.  There is nothing more uplifting than finding our space in someone else’s place.  The  land  and the barn are a scene from a movie.

The dyes are osage and green, indigo, brown and gray and everything we mix in between.  Nancy was printing some of her fabulous silk scarves/pareos.

I love how the sunshine cast tree shadows on my gray piece in the yard.

   Big vats of logwood and indigo for the soaking.

  Osage orange, indigo and overdyed that looks like sienna

  Vintage TV drawing screen print test

  Overdyed tee shirt and vintage linen.  Looked a lot like old denim.

  All my dull browns over-dyed look so layered and deep.   They’re  in the wash right now, rinsing and drying. I can’t wait to make something.