Eco Dye

I recently unwrapped my erosion bundle after about six months of  its swinging from a branch on a fir tree in my yard. ( Actually, I was politely asked to remove it as the pink and shiny present could distract potential house buyers with its quirkiness.)  Sadly, it didn’t change much.

This week I was stopped in my tracks at a blog of   lotta helleberg and her beautiful nature prints on fabric.

I proceeded to dive into this new process(for me) – because I love dying fabric, anyway – and bought India Flint’s book,

India knows her plants and the photos of eco-dyed fabric and garments make me want to dye. So I immediately dead-headed my pansy plants and gathered various other leaves from the yard in a totally experimental effort.

Lots of bundles - first round
Onion skins wrapped with my selvage scraps
Yummy selvage strips from another project. Wish I could get this color!
pansy prints

I have so much more experimenting and reading to do.   And over-dying.

And see what Jude did this week.  I think the residual ash in her ash pot/dye pot helped matters.  Her results are gorgeous.

Threads of Meaning

Friday evening, sixteen women convened at the Aldrich Museum in Ridgefield for a workshop that guided their personal stories into telling stitches.

We examined painting by Hope Gangloff.

We wrote.  We read.  We talked.  We stitched.

what happens on the back

I  hope I shared everybody.  All the stories are important and they will continue to be told.