
Behind the scenes, I’m almost obsessively working on completing the illustrations for Molly’s book.  This project is more than a year old, and it will be good to finish.  I had no idea that projects like this took so long, or were so much work for that matter.  But I guess anything worthwhile takes time.  So I have spent more time in my tiny craft closet with my old watercolors and the drawings than I have doing anything else lately.  Two more paintings are left to do and then I can continue on my lollypop trees among other pressing ideas.

Start sewing group

I was thrilled to hear about a group of women from our local museum who were meeting at one of their homes to have a sewing party.  I doubt if there were balloons, but I’m sure there was food and lots of shared knowledge about hemming and such.   The finished skirt, made from gorgeous Lecien fabric with two coordinating trims turned out great.  (Picture in the works,)

Whenever we hold a sewing class, it’s a celebration of sorts.  We make learning the day’s skill a success for everyone. We might have cake and usually there are decorations – mostly projects hanging. This week six teachers dropped in to learn how to make a pillow decorated with raw edge applique circles.  Only one or two of them had ever run a sewing machine.  They picked it up quickly and we have the pictures to show for it. Don’t they look like they had fun?  I sure did. Thanks to the organizer: Jinx.

We hope to start a series of classes that build on beginning skills while producing an adorable project at the end of the day.  

Finally, another happy beginner who made this quilt block for her friend.  We borrowed the paper doll applique from our good friend, Cathy Corcella of Ohio Star Patterns.  Her patterns are sold at our shop.